Aurel Laurenţiu Plosceanu is the EESC Vice-President for Communication. Previously, he was president of the EESC Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship. He has been a member of the EESC and its Employers’ Group since 2007 and over the years has been involved in activities across all sections of the EESC. In 2016, Mr Plosceanu became Vice-president of UGIR, the Romanian Industrialists General Union. From 2007 to 2024, he has been President of ARACO – the Romanian Association of Building Contractors. Since 2024, Mr. Plosceanu is the Vice-President of FIEC – the European Federation of Construction Industries. Mr Plosceanu studied at the Bucharest Construction Institute and obtained an Executive MBA from the National Institute for Economic Development. In addition, he studied at the Law Faculty of Nicolae Titulescu University Bucharest and completed post-university studies at the National Defence College.
Bierze udział:
- 19 LISTOPADA 2024 SALA S1 18:00 - 18:30 Ceremonia wręczenia Nagrody Rady Miasta Krakowa im. Stanisława Vincenza